The Three Yellow Flies:
Egyptian culture thought flies to protect them from disease, and misfortune. At a point in time, there was a military decoration called the "Fly of Valor" or "The Golden Fly". This may have been because of the flies persistence in the face of opposition.
These three flies came in a dream. After the death of a cannibal, the Three Yellow Flies are the first to land on the body. They carry the spirit of the cannibal to the collective, and guide them through their after life until they are connected with the rest of their tribe.
Sour Apple
Apples symbolize a mysterious, forbidden fruit in many religious traditions.
The sour apples represents Kuru to the cannibals. Kuru is a disease called "the laughing sickness". Cannibals contracted kuru by eating the brains of their victims. It affects the brain, and causes the cannibal to burst into unprovoked laughter.
Tentacles of Cthulhu
"Here, the tentacles of Cthulhu, symbolised as the twin towers of Tutulu, are closed together; they await the influx of that magickal energy which will polarise them into activity and release the horizontal bar which seals the pylon of the deep, enabling the star-spawn from the sepulchres of R’lyeh to come into waking manifestation. In combination with the other elements of the Mantra of Release,-the completed sigil becomes the embodiment and celebration of this event."
After the Apocalyptical event that sets the world for the cannibal tribe, history is dependent on what text a given tribe finds, and how rationally they interpret/understand the stories. The Streifte Geist tribe has happen across some of the works of H.P. Lovecraft.
The skull is the symbol of death. It's repetition in The Great Equalizer's patterns symbolizes pending death of the cannibals. The cannibals know, and respect that anyone can die at anytime, and that death is always a threat/conclusion. They find it important to accomplish as much as possible before they meet Death. Those who are threatened by death have not done what they wanted yet in their live and realize all the time they wasted. The cannibals try to live their lives with death as a conclusion to their story. If death were to strike at any moment the cannibal would likely say "I have used my time well."
The Sundial
The sundial represents time to the cannibals. They respect time's ability to case growth and change. Time is a valued essence in the lives of the cannibals.
Snake/Dragon/Beast/monsteR Eating Self
Also known as "The Devourer." This symbolizes life to the cannibals, and in certain cannibal rituals one of the cannibals will wear a mask known as "The Mouth of The Devourer".
The Five Pointed Star
Symbolizes both the pagan (top point = spirit, top left point = air, bottom left = earth, bottom right = fire, top right = water), the idea that every cannibal is a star, and the idea that "The simplest star - the pentagram- requires five lines to draw and it is unicursal; it is a continuous loop." Looping and continuing patterns are important to the cannibals, and the five points are important because at least five cannibals need to be present for most important rituals.
The Goat of Mendes
also know to the cannibals as the Baphomet. This symbolizes the idea that that when the cannibals bring their elements together (in the five pointed star) they can become a strong and powerful deity, know to some as evil, and to some good.
Saftey + [sic]
Symbolizes sobriety, health, conservatism, and cleanliness. The balance of the "Shock" is important because it represents the idea of regulation and control.
Represents intoxication, danger/sickness, obsceneness, and filth. See "Saftey".
The Camel Spider
More accurately, The Solifugae. In latin it's name means "those who flee from the sun". The fastest can run up to about 10 mile per hour, symbolizing the idea of living fast. Some of the text that the cannibals find about the Solifgae report them leaving jagged wounds prone to infection, leaping into the air, disemboweling creatures over 100 times their size, injecting venom into their prey, screaming, feasting on the flesh of sleeping humans, and running along side moving motor vehicles. The Cannibals respect the Solifugae, and admire it's ability to use so many appendages so effectively. They view them as an aggressive force to be reckoned with, like themselves.
The Octopus
The cannibals have found text that supports the idea that the octopus represents evil. They admire it's ability to kill creatures that are seemingly more dangerous, like sharks, and like the Camel Spider, they admire it's use of all 8 legs.
The Earth is the planet on which our lives become manifest, and the cross of matter is placed in the centre, surrounded by the circle of Spirit, within which all life is contained.
Mercury contains all the symbols, signifying the potential integration of spirit, soul and matter and the synthesis of all the other planets, as well as the relationships between them. Soul - the mediating and connecting principle - is in the most elevated position, above the Spirit, with Matter at the base.
The symbols for the next pair of planets, Jupiter and Saturn, concern the relationship between the soul and body. With Jupiter, the soul is elevated over the cross of matter, signifying the importance of finding a meaningful connection (soul), ‘something to live for’ in the manifest world. Jupiter frees the soul from the dominance of matter. With Saturn, the cross of matter is elevated over the soul, signifying that the soul’s yearnings must be given shape and form within the limitations of existence in time and space. Saturn is also thought to represent Satan.
Uranus shows the cross of matter bracketed by two vertical lines of mind, over a small circle of spirit indicating the power of the mind to harness natural forces. Neptune is the crescent of soul impaled upon the cross of matter. Soul reaches upwards but is penetrated, or trapped, by matter. The symbol for Neptune, therefore, could be said to portray the soul’s suffering while it is encased in matter, and its longing to return to its source - the spirit. Pluto is a composite of all three symbols - the crescent of the soul enclosing a small circle of spirit, with the cross of matter below. Spirit could be said to dominate matter through the medium of the soul.
great work. i am definitely on the same page as you man. you are very deep and intellectual and i admire that. keep up the good work. you never cease to amaze me. you are a very creative person and i know there are a lot of great things to come for SG. LET'S DO IT!!!!!!!
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