book originally by George Orwell. This (as are the others) is one of the pieces of text the cannibal tribe found in some form and have passed on from generation to generation as a way to teach lessons and warn people, in this case about corruption and being lied to. I own a copy of the book, it's a pretty quick read if any of my tribesmen would like to borrow it.
Now you too can see Harrison Bergeron on the TV screen (computer screen really but fuck it). This might be the loosest adaption of any of the films based on novels or short stories that I am sharing with you. I will also add a link to the short story Harrison Bergeron which was much more influential than the film (which I had not seen until after the lyrics for SOUR were written). This is also one of the only stories that would take less time to read than it would to watch the film.
Harrison Bergeron
This is another book that I have a copy of if any of the other shamans would like to borrow it and read it all the way through. There are differences between the text and the movie. Though the setting of the albums/story is not in a time as advanced as this, this might be seen as similar to the time right before the events that let to the "apocalypse" that led to the cannibal tribe, and what some of the conservative "christian" extremist tribes are striving for.
I've included this because I believe it contains a sample I'd like to put on the album, and the general uneasy and awkward feel I find inspiring and captivating. Please remember that you are dealing with the human form.
as I find more of the influences available online to easily share with you I will post more.
I don't expect anyone to watch/read anything, I just figured because of how often people tell me they wish they knew the lyrics or could understand the album better I'd make this information available to you.